Interpreter for delivery?

Hey ladies! Just looking for some advice... So my husband is from Sudan, Arabic is his first language ... English is his 5th and weakest language ... I am concerned that during labor and delivery he might become very emotional(as it's the first blood relative he has been in the same country as since he was 12 and his first biological child's birth) and I am okay with that... But I can't be in two places at once interpreting for him if he needs it... And once our daughter is born and they examine her I want him to stay with her as I finish the birthing process.... Do you think asking the hospital to provide him with an interpreter is okay? I don't even know if he will need it, I just want to make sure he understands everything they ask him if I am not standing there with him to help him if he needs it. He is open to the idea as most of the interpreters are close friends of ours already.... I myself speak English and Arabic but I am not sure in labor I am going to want to constantly be repeating everything if he doesn't understand. I want this experience to be easy for him and me!