Am I being dramatic? ,*updated in comments

Emily • Married. 5 year old son. 2 year old daughter. Pregnant with our last.

I need some input. I am so so so MAD right now!!! This is probably going to sound a little silly, but I am so angry because it has happened so many times. Okay, so I am a SAHM. I do all of the cleaning (literally picking up everything from everyone all the time), all the cooking, all the grocery shopping, do all the bills, etc...which is FINE. I love doing these things. Here is the issue....any time I am with my husband he tells me "no" to anything I want to buy for myself. Examples...we were at the grocery and cosmic brownies were on sale. I had been craving chocolate and I thought 99 cents wasn't bad. So I grabbed a box and he said "no you don't need to get those"...meanwhile the entire cart is filled with expensive junk that he picked out...when I was pregnant I was always really sick unless I had a full stomach, so we were out and about and I wanted to get something to eat because I was starving and he told me no..even though we just went to a special brewery so he could get a special kind of I went with him to the hospital because he had to get a pippa scan done, which lasts two hours. I sat in the waiting room for two hours with two kids under 5. I asked him on the way home if he would swing into McDonalds to get an iced coffee and he didn't look at me, didn't hesitate, just said no.

I might sound like a brat...but it's NOT FAIR. I do EVERYTHING for him and he can't spend 99 cents on me?!?! He never takes me out on dates. Never surprises me with anything. But he will spend 800 bucks on himself no problem.

Am I being crazy for being so MAD? I know its just coffee but I am an adult and I do my fair share of contributing to the household...I don't like that he tells me no! It's not like I'm asking for an $80 t-shirt! I just want a coffee or a candy bar every once in awhile....ugh.