Termination help

I just found out that I am pregnant again and I can not go through another pregnancy after just having my son 7 months ago. I'm suffering through postpartum depression and it is not likely that this will be a successful pregnancy. My husband and I can't afford another baby at this time either, so we made the decision to go ahead and terminate which we are against but it's the only option we see to fit our situation. I live in TX but they only offer the surgical procedure for abortions and I really don't want to go that route. I know that the closest state that offers Medical abortions (the pill) is Oklahoma but we're having a hard time locations a clinic near the thackerville area on OK. This saddens me deeply but we feel like we have made the best decision for our family. Can any one help or refer me to a clinic in that area please?! I want to do this asap so I can still do this the medical way with out the surgery