Frustrated at my body

I know I haven't been TTC very long (about 4 months) but I get so frustrated with my body. I was on birth control for about two years and had pretty regular periods before that (off by a few days here or there, but I got them). Since I've been off birth control and trying to get pregnant, my period has been so wonky. I had a 30 day cycle, then a 32 day cycle, and now I am on day 61. I thought that I was pregnant (because I obviously didn't get my period) so I tested. I know some ladies have said that they didn't get a positive result for a week or two after their missed period, so I waited and tested again. I also tested last week, and all have been negative. I went to the Gyno about a month ago for a routine pap and everything was fine and we talked about me wanting to get pregnant. I know we haven't been trying for a year, so I'm not considered to be having fertility issues. I guess my question is has anyone else experienced something like this after going off birth control and went on to get pregnant? I'm looking for a light at the end of the tunnel here lol