
I am currently on cd35. 2 weeks ago I had a very light spotting brown in color that was only a few spots on a panty liner. This lasted for about 4-5 days. That was about 10-12 days after the projected conceivement date. I have had some signs/symptoms I.e:headaches, sore nipples, discharge (sometimes watery and sometimes thicker and white), I have had some cramping here and there also had some pressure in my left side where my ovary is, but that went away in less than a day. I have also being urinating quick a bit and have been super fatigued. I have taken multiple oregnancy tests and all have said negative. I have made an appointment with my gyno, but cannot get until July 6. Just really confused as I am usually pretty regular and this is the longest I have ever been without a period. 

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