3 hour labor!

My due date was June 23rd and around 1am thusday the 16th I started having contractions. The plan was for my mom to meet us at our house to watch my 3 year old son when I go into labor. Well after only an hour of contractions my water broke so I called my mom so she could come over and she said we would have to pick her up cuz her car broke down😱. So I start to freak out a little cuz I figured I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible,so I had my husband leave to go get her. I totally forgot I had his debit card and there was no gas in the car and it had been over heating really bad. My mom lives about 15 min away so I knew he wouldn't be back for at least 30 min. I'm at the house and my contractions are getting really close and the pain is pretty exstreme at this point so I had a strong feeling I needed to get to the hospital right away and I couldn't wait for my husband. I had to ask my roommate to watch my son until my mom and husband got back to the house. Then I called my friend that lives across the street from me if she could take me and she said yes. When I got to the hospital it was around 2:30am and the pain was really bad I don't even know how I was walking or talking. They checked me and and I was already 8cm and the nurse kept trying to ask me a bunch of questions wile I was having contractions and I could not talk. They took me to the delivery room right away I told them I wanted an epidural it was the first thing I said when I walked in. They started an IV but by the time they got everything set up I was 10cm and ready to push and the pressure and urge to push was unreal and my husband still wasn't there but thank god my freind stayed with me. They said it was to late to get an epidural and I was freaking out so I asked if there was anything he could do and he gave me a quick version of it they still stick the needle in your spine but it only last 90 minutes I told him I only need five wile he's trying to put the needle in I'm trying not to push my baby out it was crazy. Finally my husband walks in and the doctor by this time the medicine worked right away and I can breathe again. The doctor asks me if I'm ready to push and I'm like I've been ready. So one good push and he's out in about 1 minute! I had him at 3:39am so my whole labor was 3 hours long I started at 1am and ended at 3:39am. I did not think it was going to be that fast I'm just glade my husband was able to see his son born.