Staying positive??

My SO and I have been TTC for about 10 months. My mom and sister got pregnant quick. We both think it's him but he's constantly putting off going to a doctor to do tests because if it's him that's an easy find but if it's me it could be zillion things. We have discussed it multiple times at length that we both want a baby (he has a 7yr old son but has very little interaction with him) we have bought baby clothes that were super discounted at Carter's and have literally everything picked out for the baby but want to wait to start buying until I get pregnant and after I tell my family cause they go crazy with gifts and I don't want doubles of anything. I am so frustrated with my husband tho. I can't do anything until we know if he has a fertility problem or not. I've annoyed the hell out of my doctor and she said until we know if it's him or not then it's like looking for a needle in a haystack while knowing there might not be a needle there and wasting money. He's a veteran so he has to go to a VA doctor and the nearest one is an hour away but I feel like he's putting no effort into it with finding a day. He has a day off this week and I've been hounding him to go but he's very non-committal about it. How do I not wring his neck?? I go through stages of pissed off for his lack of trying and depressed because it's like he really doesn't want a baby but then he sends me pics of cute baby clothes while in the middle of grocery shopping and wondered over to the baby section. I know depression, anxiety and stress have a negative effect on my baby making so I don't know what to do