Happy Spitter Weight Gain Tips or Tricks?

I have been breastfeeding my LO for 9+ weeks now with no apparent supply issue. She has been a pretty aggressive eater since birth, and has always been a "happy spitter." She gained her birth weight back in only 4 days and then had a steady rate of weight gain by her first and second appointments so I was never worried about the spitting up (she doesn't seem affected by it at all, no discomfort and just smiles through it).
Recently, she's been spitting up quite a bit more, so to give myself peace of mind before her next scheduled appointment in August I thought I would take her into the doctor to get her weighed. She had only gained 6 ounces since the last time I brought her in, so not hitting the half an ounce per day minimum goal the doctor said she likes to see. The doctor asked me if it could be a supply issue, and though I am definitely much more full in the morning compared to the rest of the day I never thought this would be the underlying problem. If anything, I would think she is getting too much in one sitting hence the spitting up. The largest quantity of spitting up is always after her 6 AM feed when my breasts are most full (she then eats every 3 hours until 10pm and sleeps through until 6). I experimented with pumping after her 6am feed and my milk is definitely much more clear than the milk later in the day. That being said, I easily got 4 ounces out of the breast she didn't use, and when I pump at night before I go to bed I can get another 4 ounces (2 from each) in about 10min.
The doctor does not think it is a food allergy or reflux because she is not showing any other signs of discomfort, but suggested that I start taking probiotics and give her Gerber soothe probiotics as well. She also wanted me to stop my 10:30am pumping session (between her 9 and 12 feeds) and instead pump a little bit after each feed. From what I had read, I thought this was counterintuitive and would make my body think I needed less milk? I don't want to diminish my supply by no longer continuing my 10:30 AM Pumping (this is the milk I had been freezing for future travel and emergencies). 
So my questions are this, is it better for supply to add a completely separate pumping session in between feeds, or pump a little bit after each individual feeding session? Also, has anyone else had experience with a happy spitter not gaining enough weight? And if so, what did you do? I really don't want to supplement if I don't have to, but because there are no other symptoms I don't want my doctor to jump to the conclusion that I am simply not producing enough. 
At this point I am just really confused, because there's so much conflicting information out there. I suppose I can just stop stressing out until I re-weigh her on Friday but I thought I would post on here for the first time to get some advice from the glow community. Thanks in advance for any help/advice!