he only has sex with me when im alseep

okay so I've been with my SO for 6 years for the first few years we had a regular sex life but then he cheated on me so out of stupidity i cheated back that was about a year ago i don't bring up what he did as were trying to work it out but he always brings up what i did knowing dam well i already feel guilty okay little back story a year into our relationship he cheated on me with so many girls and he would beat me and mentally break me i couldn't take it anymore so yea i cheated..i know it was stupid i just needed to feel loved I guess either way its been about a year since then and I've been faithful and i do all i can to prove it i literally don't leave my room unless i have to go to the restroom i don't see my family and he pretty much has me on check..but he still is constantly calling me a whore and says he wont have sex with me because he feels I'm getting it somewhere else yet when I'm asleep and he knows I'm asleep cuz (cuz it'll be like 3hrs since i went to bed) and i wake up to him touching me like an idiot I've gave in but then feel very violated when I'm fully awake.I've told him how it bothers me and makes me feel but it keeps happening (he knows i was molested as a kid while i was a sleep so yea it bothers me when he does it) but he says hes sorry or "well i fell asleep think about u" and thats why he touches me....I don't know what to do its not like im with holding sex cuz i do try to touch him when we're both awake and he pushes me away or tells me im a whore please help i don't know what to do....is it normal do u think maybe he doesnt know he does it cuz sometimes he says that it didnt happen when i bring it up..but it contradicts with wen he says "he fell asleep thinking about me