Breastfeeding help!

Ok breastfeeding mamas, I'm in need of some serious advice/opinions/tips. I go back to work in less than two weeks and I'm freaking out about continuing breastfeeding and working full time. I work for the USPS, and work lots of overtime. I'm so so so worried that i'm not gonna be able to keep my supply up. I will be able to pump every two hours on my breaks, but even with that I've heard so many stories of people losing there supply. I've got a very small stash of frozen breastmilk now but my LO normally eats until I'm empty so even if I manage to pump after every feeding, I'm only getting an ounce sometimes a little more. I have very dear mommy friends that breastfeed and have been encouraging me along the way, but I have noticed that they all either only work part time, or are SAHMs. So I guess I'm just looking for some success stories from other full time workers, or tips and tricks that you guys used! Thank you so much!