I hate the father of my child

He is not a man! All he does after work is play his game and not pay attention to me. He doesn't help me around the house I pay all the bills alone while he works and make good money he gives 80.00 a week to his first baby's mom for child support (the baby is one years old and we been together for 3, so yea do the math) he has proven to me that I can trust him again but at this point I don't give a shit what he does anymore... Everytime I open my mouth to complain about the situation he goes running to his mom and I use to be sad when the thought of him leaving came to mind but now I'm hoping he does I haven't spoken to him since Sunday nor has he slept in the bed with me because I'm tired of giving my all to him and he gives nothing but lame ass dick he has said that once he get done paying off his lawyer fees he will help me out but I don't believe him at all just last week he was spending money on new clothes. Not to mention since I been pregnant he has made me feel like he cares even less! He doesn't even care that I've been feeling shitty and haven eaten more then a cracker since Sunday! I hate him! Anyone want him?! Come and get him I promise I want put up a fight but no refunds. I'm not afraid of raising my child alone so I don't care about that part and I know he will be a  good father but he is not relationship material I should've dumped his ass the minute he told me his name!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡