My princess is here

On June 9th around 1:45pm I woke up with horrible contractions I thought that if I took a shower they would go away and I was wrong . So at 4:50pm I made it to the hospital and my contractions were 3 mins apart but I was only 34 weeks so they kept me overnight to stop my labor . I was given a shot in the back of my arm I forgot what it was called but it burned like hell and sure enough my 
 ontractions stopped and I was sent home the next morning . Fast forward to Wednesday June 15th I had my follow up appointment with my doctor and I noticed my daughter wasn't moving as much as she normally does so once again I was sent over to the hospital and I found out my fluid was low it was 5 but now the problem was I was only 35 weeks so I was kept over night and given fluid through an iv over the night I was given 5 bags of fluid and when I had my ultrasound the next morning on June 16th my fluid was even lower than before it was now a 4 . So my doctor decided to deliver my baby . On June 16th 2016 I had my princess Sa'Kiah at 1:05pm . She had a few complications but she is now healthy and doing so well . I'm grateful I listened to my body and realized that she wasn't moving cause I'm not sure she would be here today