How do I put baby down awake?!

Obviously I do it by putting the baby down awake but here's the deal - we rock him (8 wks old) all the way to sleep after his bottle and he's been giving us two 5 hour stretches.  His first wake up at midnight is truly due to hunger as he takes a full 5-6 oz.  His next wake is more habit as he was only taking about 2 oz so I started giving him a paci and moving him from his crib to the rock n play to squeeze two more hours of sleep before breakfast bottle.
All that said, I know that we should stop rocking him all the way to sleep soon or it will be a sleep association that will be almost impossible to break....but....I don't want to mess up the decent sleep we are getting now.  Any tips?  Do I let him cry?  Do I stand there holding his paci in until he's out?  Help me!  What are you doing?