Feeling confused and hopeful...

So today I went in for my first ultrasound I'm 10 weeks and 1 day so the UT came in took pictures and said would of you mind waiting in the waiting room? I'm thinking not again. 2 years ago we were pregnant, and I have a son from a previous relationship who is 12 and healthy no problems, our baby from 2 years ago we went to get the second ultrasound at 20 weeks our baby boy wasn't fully developed and they induced me at 23 weeks and he was still born. So today after hearing that after this one ugh. I saw the picture there's clearly something in there but I'm only measuring at 6 weeks 1 day and no heartbeat. So I say well o haven't had any bleeding spotting or a period since April 19th but when I've gone off the pill before it makes them irregular so my doctor says there's a few things I am having a miscarriage now or it hasn't taken yet cause of my body, my  irregular period threw off my date or I had a miscarriage and am pregnant again already. So two long whole weeks from now if nothing has happened I go in for another ultrasound to see if the baby is growing or not. She's hopeful and I'm not too worried and think it's just my periods throwing me off but I just want to be in a padded bubble room until I deliver this healthy happy baby. Fingers crossed. Anybody else have an experience similar or any advice to keep my mind at ease a little more? Feeling hopeful.