I can't know if I'm miscarrying yet and it's driving my mad

So I am having my 3rd pregnancy, I've never had a miscarriage before. I should be around 5-6 weeks pregnant now. I went in yesterday for an ultrasound because I was having brown spotting for 2 days. They saw a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. They said probably I was just too early. 
Today is my 4th day of light spotting, I'm now shifting from brown to pink color. I know there isn't anything I can do, but does anyone have a story of this all working out? Im preparing myself for the worst but I just don't know how to deal with this. I look at my two sons and I just ache that I may be losing something so sweet. My older son is evening reading to my belly. I just feel numb.