I don't know what to do ):

Laura • Been ttc #1 for 13 months ✨💙🎀👶🏼
Okay so my man and I had a miscarriage in January. We lost it the day we found out which is horrifying. We've been trying for about two years on and off. What could we possibly be doing wrong ? We have sex every 2-3 days hoping that we will eventually have a sticky bean. Well after we had sex about a week ago my stomach cramped on and off for like 2-3 days and now I don't even want to eat anything and I'm having what seems like little twinges in my left lower side. Not sure if this is a sign or what but someone please give me a little hope. Hopefully this is the month we have a sticky one. My periods are so irregular. So I don't know when I'm ovualating. I want all of this to happen natural without an ovualating kit but I guess that's my best choice at this point. ): anyone want to give me a little hope ?¿