Need answers?


So here is the deal. I got my normal period on Easter. Past a month later I was bleeding, but it wasn't a normal period. I usually bleed for 3 days. 2 heavy, 1 light. On this day, I bleed for a week and it was really light. I wear tampons because I break out with most pads, and I know that when it is light I go from super plus to regular because the supers hurt. But for that week, even the regulars hurt.

I had the week one on may 9th was the week one. I haven't had another one since.... and I usually get my periods every 20-25 days.

I haven't taken a test because for some reason, my tests come back negative even if I am pregnant.

How long should I wait to see the doctors? Should I take another test, just to see? I need help.... should I make a doctors appointment?