Solid smiley!

Ok- I'm totally anxious! I'm so proud of myself this cycle.. Started using Clear Blue advanced digital OPKs since CD 10. I've been testing in the am with FMU and then again in the pm after holding my bladder. I've gotten blank circles until this evening. It skipped blinky & went straight to solid smiley! (this morning it was still blank circle!--- strange) However, I did wake up with medium EWCM so I knew my fertile window was here. Just didn't realize it was peak day already! Around midday I started getting a headache, which I typically do around O from the lh surge. And then the OPK has confirmed that for me.  Well hubby doesn't get off work for another 3 hours :( I'm so anxious I can't stand it! I want to BD right this instant! I totally feel thrown for a loop... We haven't BD'd since Tues ? bc of hubby's crazy stupid holiday hours. I don't want our chances to be down. Do you think if we BD tonight, tomorrow and Monday, we could still have pretty good chances? Also, Since I've never used OPK's before, should I keep testing after today? (Side note: since I entered my OPK result into Glow, it has since moved my fertile window back! That's why I'm anxious that we didn't BD enough last week!)