Poop trouble

Our son started having trouble pooping around 3 weeks. He's now 5 weeks. He's EBF. His stools are always the right texture and color, but he can't seem to get them out. He'll strain so hard that he spits up and cries. Bicycle legs don't seem to help.  Pediatrician recommended stimulating with a rectal thermometer, and that rectal stimulation really works for him. He will poop and/or pass gas every time. The problem is, now it's like he can't poop without it. I basically change his diaper when he's wet and try that trick, and he poops. Am I creating a worse problem by helping him every time? When will he re-learn to poop on his own? Is my helping him making it harder for him to poop on his own? When I haven't helped him, he starts straining again but makes no pooping progress. When do I stop helping? I envision him going off to college and still calling me to help him get his poop out ... 😩. Anyone have poop trouble and make it to the other side?