2nd ultrasound

First off I'm going to start that I hate my doctor..I see anyone available, it's never the same lady, they don't communicate, and today's appointment she spent less then 3min in the room after I waited a hour..but it's the only OB within a 2hr drive that takes my insurance so I'm stuck with this practice...
We went at 19wks for our ultrasound, my original due date has been October 29th but with every ultrasound it seems little man is measuring a week behind...
So today was my 4 week follow up, first appointment since the ultrasound, she comes in...says why did you go so early (mind you they ordered the ultrasound, not me) and that they couldn't get a weight of the baby...and ordered another one
Now, I don't care, but if I was past 19 weeks, how was that to early for an anatomy scan? And if I'm measuring behind with every ultrasound, wouldn't they change the DD? I'm just confused, the tech said baby looks perfect, so I'm not concerned, just annoyed.
This is my 4th baby and have never had to deal with a office like this, think it's more frustration...have any other ladies have this issue?