Traumatic experience

About a month ago we had this road rage accident where a black male in he's late 40s pointed a gun at me and my husband dead point blank it happend so fast we weren't able to get his license plate number we just gave a description of the man as much as we could! I was shaking and scared 😣 he got away they haven't found him and I don't think they ever will . Well I have been having little panic attacks since then every time i see a truck come up beside my truck my heart sinks , to make matters worse I had this horrible encounter with another asshole this morning he was cutting me off saying shit threw his window until he finally got off the road after that I busted in to tears I couldn't breath I got to work and went straight to the bathroom were I was historically crying and I couldn't breath !! My chest was tight I just wanted to go home and be in a corner 😓 , the police department did offer some services like counseling incase I needed them . Should I go? I feel like I had an anxiety attack it was horrible I didn't think the whole road rage would affect me idk how my family is going to take it that I'm going to therapy for a small incident that happend I don't want anybody to think I'm weak . I need help !