Line eyes or positive πŸ‘€πŸ’•πŸ˜±

So I think I'm going crazy. I had my period for 2 Days! The 24th and 25th. On the 26th it completely stopped....but I still had cramps and nausea. I still get nauseous at work (I'm a server) so yesterday I was at Walmart and a beautiful pregnant lady walked by me. I thought to myself ok why not? It's most likely going to be a BFN but just do it and reassure yourself πŸ˜‚ I took a first response and a cheap early result Walmart brand test! Do you see the lines? Or am I just going insane!? I have children. But my period never came when I found out I was pregnant! This time I had it for 2 Days! I'm just so unsure! I need adviceΒ