13 week ultrasound!

Brittianna • My name is Brittianna but everyone calls me BJ or Bee. I married the love of my life on June 21, 2014. & we welcomed out first child after 13 months of ttc on January 3rd, 2017. Her name is Lilyana Nichole!💖😊
I had an ultrasound today at 13 weeks to check on the baby because at 8 weeks 2 days I had a "threatened miscarriage" & have been on bed rest since May 27th. But my little baby is doing great now! Measured at 12 weeks 5 days (2 days behind) but the heart rate was a strong 144 & it was wiggling all over the place & was waving at us!! In the second picture you can see it waving!!👶😊