Wtf am I supposed to do??

I'm a cosmetologist and I'm 18. My mom wants me to do her hair tonight before she leaves for Texas, she wanted me to come home early so I could do her hair and tell me about the dogs and what they need. I told my boyfriend I was leaving his house early tonight at 9 to go home and do my moms hair. He said no you're not and I said yeah I am I'm  doing her hair before she goes to Texas. He said that I'm not leaving early and staying late. Everytime I want to go home early or if my parents want to see me or talk to me he says I can't go home and tells me I'm not going anywhere. We have the whole weekend together and he's still saying I don't care you're still not going home early. I never care if he wants to go home or if he has to work overnight. But every single time I leave at 9 or say I'm going home he tells me that if I keep doing this he's going to find a girl that stays over every night or stays late. He always makes me rub him to bed and if I don't he gets mad at me? Don't know why he's so mean about it and tells me that I can't go home. But it's ok for him to do it??
UPDATE: I sleep over his house every single weekend Friday and Saturday nights. And I'm sleeping over tomorrow night through Sunday night.  And we see eachother every day.