My birthing story

I am 39 weeks and 4 days along still working as an RN on a busy hospital floor. I had the worst day at work couldn't wait to go home and rest. I got home and my 3 pound Yorkie puppy decided to randomly run in circles barking which was very unusual for her. I went to bed that night and was waken out of my sleep with what felt like very uncomfortable period cramps that were coming quite frequently . Very nervous I quickly called my doc who told me to come up to the hospital. I arrive they checked my cervix to only find out I was 2cm dialated and they deemed me to be "dehydrated" and sent me home. I went home took some Tylenol PM and got some rest. 
The following evening at the same exact time, I was taking a nap and I awoke again with these same pains but this time they were more intense and started to come every 6 mins. I felt the urge to poop and when I went to wipe I lost my mucus plug. In a panic I called me mom asking her what should I do. She told me to relax and just lay in bed because it was most likely a repeat of last nights episode. So I took a shower and tried to relax.
I waited 3 hours and the contractions had become stronger and unbearable so I decided to head to the hospital. We get there and they check me and still I'm only 2cm dilated and cerix hadn't thinned at all.  My boyfriend and I were so disappointed. I refused to let them send me home this time so they suggested I walk the halls for a few hours to see if I had any changes. 
I walked the halls for 2 hours feeling so much pressure and excruciating cramps. They then checked me after the 2 hours and boom I was 6cm dialated and 100%effaced! We were going to have a baby! 
At that point I asked if I can have my epidural to help me thru my pain. Once I got it I took a nice little nap for a few hours. Around 5am my doctor checked me and I was 9cm and she broke my water and noticed my fluid was filled with meconium. She said that wasn't good and we need to deliver the baby soon.  As I began to push they noticed the baby was coming out breech I was then rushed to the OR for an emergency csection.
On April 14th @ 5:50am after 9 hours of labor my beautiful baby girl was born weighing 7lbs 6oz 22inches long