Wrong due date...

So today I went for my 12 week visit to hear the heart beat for the first time. At my first appointment my provider had based my due date of my lmp despite the fact that I had crazy irregular cycles and I had been given a January 13th due date. Today they were unable to hear a heart beat and I began to feel panicked and my provider seemed surprised. They decided to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was looking okay and come to find out I was measuring at 9 weeks 5 days instead of 11 weeks 5 days like they had told me I was! It came as quite a suprise, but I am so glad they did the ultrasound! So while I may not be as far along as I'd been told, I am so happy to have seen my heathy little one dancing in my stomach today! 
Has anyone else had this kind of situation?!