Period Problems

So I normally have like super easy periods, like they are normally anywhere from two days to like four then they are over, but recently they have been getting progressively worse. I used to never get cramps, and now I get them so bad I have to stay home some days. I never got cravings or anything, I would have an occasional migraine but other then that it was a total breeze and now they are terrible. I'm getting cramps a lot, and I feel like I'm so fricking bloated, they are lasting like 3-6 days now, and it's just so weird how the change was so sudden. The weirdest thing for me it's I get this very sharp pain in my rib cage right below my chesticle area every time. It only lasts for the first couple days and goes away but it is super painful. 
So I guess the main point of this post if to ask if anyone has any ways to make bad periods a little bit bearable, I've had mine for a while now so I knew how to deal with what I had, but now that they have suddenly changed so much I have absolutely no idea how to deal with them or make them bearable. I'm super thankful for any help I can get!