Jj was born at 5 p

Jj was born at 5 p.m. June 29th! He instantly became the love of my life :) early labor started on the 28th with 5 min contractions and stayed like that for 19 hours of at home labor. Finally got to be to much and went in I was only 4 cm but they admitted me for baby's heart rate. I got an epidural and pitocin to help labor and to get relief from my hell ish contractions. Around 26 hours we decided to start pushing and I tried my hardest. Unfortunately around 30 hours we decided to have a c section due to baby's head swelling, he pooped in his fluid, he was crooked, and sunny side up. During the operation it was found he had his cord wrapped around 2 times, he was getting in distress with the bowel, he was to big to fit in my canal and was wedged in there good. We made the best decision and got an amazing outcome. He is now healthy and an amazing baby 😍