Just a little curious

My bf is 32 and I'm 26 in a month, even though there is an age gap I constantly have to remind myself that IM the younger one. The problem is that even though he is 32 and has a three year old son that lives with us every other week, he still spends all his time playing video games and watching silly (idiotic to me) videos on YouTube. I mean he stays up till one in the morning most nights playing games with his younger buddies. I want to have a real adult relationship but can't seem to get him to understand this. I feel like I'm the 32 year old. I cook dinner almost every night, I clean the house, do the laundry, bathe and feed the dogs, I do practically everything around our home and that includes doing lawn work...I can't even get him to pick up his dirty laundry that he takes off every night. Point blank he is lazy as all get out and doesn't seem interested in being in what I consider an adult relationship....am I wrong here ladies? Am I being too harsh/picky?