Feeling hurt and insecure

I've been with my husband for 5 years, almost 6. He's always wanted a baby with me, I have a 7 year old from a past relationship, and knew how hard those first 2 years were financially so I wanted to wait until we were financially stable. Our whole relationship he let me know he would do anything to have children with me. We always had a great sex life, atleast having sex once a week, which I felt was enough, and so did he. I never felt unattractive from him, always felt like he was turned on the minute I was changing my clothes. It was always so flattering. Finally, were married and got pregnant one month later. I am now 33 weeks pregnant and my whole pregnancy I've been so hormonally horny that I can't even handle it sometimes. I thought this would be a huge turn on for my husband, his finally pregnant wife wanted to have sex everyday. It couldn't be more opposite for him. I've only gained 11lbs, but it seems to be all in my stomach and thighs. In the shower the other day he motioned that "all this" circling around my stomach, is not a turn on for him and he doesn't look at it when we have sex. Emotionally I don't even want to have sex with him anymore because I feel like it's just not what he's into. I mentioned to him before that I wished we had sex more and that he was attracted to me being pregnant and he says I'm beautiful and he loves that I'm pregnant because I'm his wife. Seems to beat around the bush of having the conversation of being turned on by me. I've just never felt more unattractive. I do my makeup and hair everyday, and I know I'm a beautiful pregnant woman. This is just not how I pictured being pregnant with my husband would be. He says he's just not in the mood to have sex, and I said maybe he should start masturbating to bring up his sex drive because he said his sex drive is low. He's been traveling a lot lately so I try to send him sexy photos, or ask him if he's touching himself and he's always like "no". Then he said one time "you act like men masturbate because it's sexual, most of the time were just bored". For our whole relationship he's only had work phones, so I never had to worry about him looking at porn or anything, but I finally got him a phone line on our plan so I could text him more, etc.  I just had a feeling that his sex drive was low was a lie, so for the past month I can see on our phone bill his data is way more then it used to be, and that he's deleting his search history. I finally had the balls to mention it to him tonight and he told me he watches porn to masturbate. I've never been more upset. I'm not upset he's masturbating, I know that's completely normal, I've always admitted to him when I do it. But I do it to the thought of him. I feel so petty being upset he was watching porn, but I feel deceived, and I also feel he hasn't even watched porn until I became pregnant and unattractive. My mind wants to wander and know what type of women are turning him on, I'm just so heartbroken it's not me anymore. I feel like a big hormonal whiney baby. I just don't know how to feel about this. It makes me never want to be pregnant again.