Stay at home mom vs Working Mom?!?

Ok, so my husband came to me the other day and told me he had a proposition for me.... Confused I said "Ok? What?"... For your knowledge we've been living as a single married couple in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house for 2 years. It's very nice, our mortgage is 1,200 monthly. He then tells me that his mother and stepdad (who lives in our first house one neighborhood over which is paid off) plans on buying the house directly across the street from them for 80,000. So basically he offered to move back into our old house and pay his moms "new" mortgage (which will be 525 monthly) and sell our house. When I asked why he said so I wouldn't have to work after the babys born. So of course I said HELL YEAH LETS DO IT. lol Would you ladies do this if you had the chance? I ve always wanted to be a stay at home mom.... and now i cant wait to move 😂