Revenge, a hateful act

Okay so I'm adding this anon as I know it could get a lot of hate and I don't want to have to keep justifying. I know it was semi wrong but I feel I'm semi justified.
Okay so I'm a stepmum and have been for over 4 years. I see my stepkids every weekend and they are lovely. We get a long and have a nice relationship. It hasn't been without its rocky times due to their mom and her madness. 
Basically she accuses me of everything <a href="">eve</a> though not true and makes the kids say things like I'm ugly etc. I've never met her as she says I'm a marriage wrecker even though my husband and I got together after they had broken up and he had moved out etc. 
So here's the thing, after years of her manipulation and seeing my husband as a cash cow (he's allowed to pay for his children but not take them on holiday or anything like that) I finally snapped. I found a job two hours away and husband is coming with me. He will need to leave his job and she will lose $1200+ a month. Husband is very unhappy in his job and wants to set up his own business. I will help him do that as I get $70,000 per year. However he won't be paying child support anymore.
Is it wrong that I am looking forward to this bitch suffering? I know the kids won't be without as she is from a rich family. I just really can't wait for her to see that my husband is entitled to a break to set up his business and not everything is about giving her money for her own stuff (kids don't see a penny).
Maybe I've got horrible in old age. 4 years of hell and I've finally turned venomous!