Feeling forced!!

Sorry this may be a bit long. From the beginning of this pregnancy I feel like the medical team I have has been trying to find something wrong with my baby.  I chose a midwive that works exclusively with a hospital in NYC.  I heard great things and when I met with them they seemed like great advocates and I would have what I want.  Well The midwives don't do blood work so they sent me to an outside source. This doctor has been great but man literally every month I've had some scare. The latest is that he's small.  I'm 34 weeks.  They've been talking about inducing my labor.  I've had so many sonograms and today they tried to tell me they'll be doing one every week!  I said no. Check his heart that's it.  He is a healthy baby and based on what my mother said she's always had small babies.  Ugh I'm just getting frustrated the only person who hasn't stressed me is my doula. I fee like it's all fear they put on us.  Do this and if you don't your a horrible mother!!!