Rock n play

So my 10 week old sleeps so good in the rock n play. She seems so at peace when she's in there. I've been feeling incredibly guilty for letting her sleep in her rock n play because of all the things I see online about the safety of having a baby sleep in the rock n play (flat head, torticolis, SIDS risks). Every night and at nap time I try the pack n play bassinet, but she kicks like crazy and get so upset (even when swaddled and in a deep sleep). She is a very content baby and it breaks my heart to see her struggle so much and get so upset. I'm trying a bunch of different things to make the flat sleeping surface more comfortable, but we are still only getting 3-4 hours of sleep at most (we were getting 5-6 hours). Anyone else having this struggle or have any advice? I just feel so guilty if I have to resort to putting her in the rock n play so I can get a few hours of sleep.