So I'm not sure where to start. My husband is very insecure at the fact that I make more money. Which I've never ever thrown in his face or ever even talk about! He brings it up! Since he can't control the finances, he's decided he's going to control the sex. And when I say control I mean, we only do it when he wants. I can't initiate or he'll turn me down. Every time. I can't even bring up sex. He has no idea how I like it. What I don't like. Because it's his area of dominance. He uses the defense of "I hate talking about sex with you because that's all you think about" which is NOT true. But he has to have some sort of justification for how he treats me in this area. I hardly ever talk about sex anymore and I never initiate anymore. I'd go to bed horny before I try to talk to him. 
Recently started bc and it's making me super hot and horny and I thought I'd tell him about the changes my body is going through just to be shut down again.... 
I mean, I'm a woman, I have needs. Both sexual and non sexual. Why should the sexual needs be neglected and awkward or weird? How is this fair to me? I envy you women who don't have to deal with this