
Ok short story.. I have been a teacher in my district for 4 years up for tenure next year.  Got pregnant this year due in August. Was fired at the end of the year due to "excessive absences". Although extensive (over 40 ) they have doctors justifications (notes etc...) my doctors at the time (have since switched) did not really help me in my matter and brushed off a lot of my work issues as just "awe sorry to hear that". I fought the decision and was recently told that their decision still stands as to not renew my contract. I feel I was fired due to pregnancy. The district has not taken into effect the resasons for my absences. I don't know what to do. I am beginning my family and got fired from a job. They made me feel as if it was a mistake to be pregnant during the year and have even straight out said that to me on several occasions. I don't know if I have the strength or energy to fight more being 35 weeks pregnant the stress from this alone has caused me enough complications. I am so lost and confused. Any advice would be appreciated