What to do after a fight with Husband.

Big fight last night, he was venting about feeling under appreciated and then the downward spiral of everything that's wrong in the relationship. How I am not enthusiastic enough with certain things in bed. And the list went on. We have been together for more than 10 years and just got married this year. Anytime there is just a little initial issue, turns into a wirl wind of other issues. On my end I feel everything I do is with him in mind and showing my appreciation by lots of verbal praise and treats and shoulder rubs among other things, and he doesn't feel appreciated? It's so confusing to me and I think he has some things he needs to work out. I was so offended and defensive and arguing back last night. I left in the car to go see a movie and didn't tell him were I was but he never called or texted once while I was gone. I walked out of the movie to call him and he was so upset at me for leaving and not telling him were I was when all he had to do is call and I would tell him in 2 seconds! He says he isn't going to chace after me. We were just butting heads with everything and everything lately has been going so well, so last night was a shock. I get so worked up in defending myself, I guess I should just listen to him instead. He says I just want to rub salt in the wound. And I make everything about me, and for now on he says he isn't going to express his emotions to me.  Idk what to do but we love each other so much! Anything I did last night to try and understand was all wrong, Everything I said upset him in some way. 
Any advice on what to do to make him feel better? I am just so bothered by what he said about things in bed, how don't bother seems like a chore to you( specifically about blow jobs) idk it's all upsetting we are both 28 years old and want to conceive in January. Just hate these moments of fighting between us. This morning he texted me "love you so much" should I just drop and forget all the things he said? Because it was said in anger. Or should we go through all the issues he raised which would just continue this problem and create more fighting? I think he had a bad day and being dramatic. Idk either way feels good to vent. Thanks.