What's going on with me?? 😞😩😩 (Long read Btw)

Ok Ladies, I have been tracking my period with this app for about three months and it has been pretty accurate so that is far from the problem. This month I ovulated on the 6th which was the second to last day in my fertile period, I knew I ovulated due to the pains I felt in my right ovary and usually when I feel it we abstain from sex during that period since I use no birth control or withdrawal method. But I am currently out of town, busy for my brother HS graduation, so it slipped my mind and when we had sex it was about 4 hrs after I felt the pain, days following I had my usual breasts tenderness but then they started to ACHE badly and were heavy as rocks but I thought whatever. About 7dpo I had horrible pain right above my left hip basically all day which was strange I never felt that it was a strong aching pain. Days after still having breasts ache and heaviness but my BF started to notice they grew like they were just on SWOLL lol. So around CD 31 I had a rusty brown blood and the morning and was relieved thinking it was my cycle since it was a day late& especially since it was in the morning is when usually she shows but it never picked up and my cramps were lighter than usual and I usually have STRONG pain for the first two days and heavy bleeding. It never picked up, next day I wore a panty liner and went to sleep woke up with one drop of blood it was strange and then just liquidy Brown spotting. Afterwards I was having headaches (which I never get), nausea after every meal, the breasts tenderness went away still shooting pains and bigger than usual. Hot flashes and feeling warmer than usual... so I decided WTH put my big girl pants on lol and test , but it came out negative last night and it's been almost a week since the light "period"? So the HcG would show on the test but this morning I'm still having the naseua after I eat and headaches?? I dont really want to be I'm 20 yo and still enjoying my life plus going to school so its not like I want it bad to where I am making myself believe things.. Just want some insight on it and some ladies experiences who are similar to mine that ended up pregnant or that didn't either or would help! Thanks 😘