Moving on

After 10 years of being on/off just now I decided it was time to let go, well after I sent the "I miss you" text with no reply after not talking for almost a month. It's hard. I'm 23, well bout to be, he's 25. so we've been doing this for years. literally. I got braces for him, lost weight for him HOPING it would cause him to really want me. [which was a poor choice, because braces cost ME $2000] I never thought it would be easy but I never thought it would be this hard. I try to stay optimistic and hope he'll come back but maybe I need to start hoping for something different. this is truly depressing. I can't cry I can't do nothing … I recently took a trip to Austin by myself just to prove to myself that I don't need anybody to be happy. I came back this past Monday and text him today. I'm kind of disappointed in myself. I know I deserve better I just hate the process of getting to know people it's so long and annoying. guys this generation are assholes and don't know what a good woman is. I really just needed to vent lol, might as well do it to a whole bunch of strangers