Nothing cures my sickness


You guys. I am at the end of my string. I'm 6w2d with morning sickness.

I've tried ginger, carbonated drinks, not carbonated drinks, peppermint and peppermint tea, eating protein, eating carbs, keeping something in my stomach constantly.

On the medicine side of things, I've tried emetrol, unisom + b6, actual diclegis, and zofran. The only thing that has remotely worked is zofran. It keeps me from vomiting mostly, but doesn't keep the nausea away or the gagging. I have nausea all day every day.

I've missed three days of work, worked a half day, and worked from home a day and a half. I can't keep doing this. I need something to keep my MS at bay and nothing is! I cry several times a day from the nausea, pain, and just because I'm so tired of this.

Has anyone else tried all these things with the same results? What do I do next? Am I just going to have to live with the constant nausea and gagging for another 6 weeks+? Pleeeeease help me.