I was almost a home wrecker....

I used to work at a gas station and had this really cute regular that would flirt with me, and eventually he asked for my number. we ended up hooking up one night... I then found out he had a daughter. no big deal, I wasn't really thinking it was going anywhere serious anyway. so we continue flirting for a little bit afterwards and we end up following each other on Instagram. being a little psycho, I checked his tagged pics & saw another woman. obviously I asked him about it and he told me that they had broken up and he didn't know if they were going to get back together. obvious red flag so I cut things off. he would still flirt with me when he came in, and I would shut him down. snooped his girls insta again and found out she was pregnant, WTF. a few weeks after our thing went down, he posts a pic about how he proposed to her, making me think that  they weren't ever on a "break" as he told me. I really really wanted to message her and tell her.. but I just couldn't. and I still regret it to this day. I hate that he "got away" with this and the fact that she knows nothing. I feel so bad but at the same time... I really didn't know any of that at the time. as I said I did cut things off with him even when he tried to continue flirting AFTER I called him out on having a baby momma... I just don't know how to let this go. it's been haunting me since I found out about her. he would text me while he went out to get food for her cravings, begging me to come outside and see him for a minute. I feel like a terrible human being and idk how to move on from this.