Watching porn with hubby

After 2 years of relationship, we are having sexual problems.... For a couple of months now... For my talking about this is embarrassing to be honest..... I'm not sexually active to him , but we do LOVE each other... We are going to go to a therapist (trying to find a good one in Missouri) , tonight we are going to try to watch porn and see if we can have sex.. I don't know is that's healthy to watch porn in a relation to have some sexual estimation...... 
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Ok so this may go against the grain but my hubby and I watch porn together and separately. Not all the time though. Maybe once every couple of months. Find what works for you guys. :-)


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My SO and I do that and it quickly turns us on. We've never had issues with porn because we don't have issues with masturbation and we're aware that the people in the videos are professionals (not personal). I don't think porn is an issue as long as you guys don't substitute porn for your own personal sex life. Also, there's many different genres. Some can be weird, you might find some offensive, but others can be very enjoyable. Just look around at the different categories on pornhub or something to find what you guys like. My SO and I like to try what's going on in the video, which can sometimes hilariously fail, so just have fun with it