Hate breastfeeding

Am I terrible mother because I truly hate breastfeeding? I know I should be thankful that I can produce milk when so many women can't, but I am hating the experience. I have such anxiety over not producing enough and my breasts have always been so sensitive that her latching causes me so much pain. I live in fear that she'll move and unlatch right on my nipple. I tried explaining this to my husband, that I just don't feel like it's right for me and that it's causing me a great deal of pain and anxiety, but his response was "oh well .... It's free". I hate that in today's society, formula feeding is frowned upon and that women don't feel like they have a choice in the matter. I can't even get support from my husband on this. I'm currently taking medication and supplements to make my milk supply more and I just feel like it shouldn't be this difficult to like something.