Paranoid or...?

Okay, so there's this girl. That had a "thing" with my boyfriend before we met. And when I say thing, I mean it only lasted 2 days and a few weeks later my friend introduced us. Anyway, I don't talk to this girl. And all of a sudden she wants to be bffs. Me, my boyfriend her and her fiance. She told that same friend that introduced me to my bf (I also met her because of this friend) that my boyfriend said her man and him were planning on hanging out. My boyfriend tells me he never said that. So then she keeps telling this friend that she sees us (both men work at the same job.) And she just watches us and it's creepy. Then today apparently she said hi to my boyfriend and she said she "felt rejected that he didn't say hi to her" which he told me he did. Anyway. I feel like she doesn't wanna be my friend, she wants to get close to my bf, which I'm not worried about that, I'm just worried she's turning stalkerish. Am I paranoid or does it sound fishy?