Another baby sleep post

Charlotte 🇬🇧 • Mummy to 2 beautiful little girls. Born 2016 and 2018.

I'm going to add to the what I'm sure are hundreds of posts on baby sleep.

My LO is 7 weeks old and ebf. A week ago we introduced a bottle of expressed breastmilk at bedtime (so that daddy can be involved). This seems to have wprked wondrs for her sleep as she now goes 4/5 hours at the beginning of the night before wanting to feed again. After that though she's up every two hours.

Has anyone experienced similar? How did you get LO to sleep for longer stretches?

Note. She has continued to nurse in the same way for the same amount of time even since starting the bottle so she's not confused about nipples. She certainly knows what and where they are!

The botle is milk expressed in one session so should surely be a similar amount to what she would get herself when nursing?