Confused, and need advice.

Okay, I need a second opinion, I'm on cycle 44, still no period. I've always had my period. Never late and if I am, it's only a week. I've taken pregnancy test out the butt, literally so many. The 4th one I've taken it was a very faint line. So I posted it on here, many of you guys said to retake in 3 days, I did. Also I big fat negative... so I went to the hospital and told them what was going on, they did a urine test, after I asked for a blood test... but it came back negative. So I lost hope.. gave up and just assumed I wasn't pregnant. Well, weeks have passed. And my appetite has increased, i feel bloated, I've been getting light headed , headaches, backache. Cramps etc. I get nauseous when getting out of the shower, (just like my 1st pregnancy ) haven't vomited. (Yet) I set up a appointment with a OBGYN it's next Thursday. But I know everyone says don't believe everything you read online, but I read that some girls were pregnant and was 10 weeks and they tested multiple times and it came back negative because of the HCG levels. I'm confused, and hurt because I really want this. Anyone have any idea what could be going on, is it all in my head?