Another hospital stay

Pregnancy is def a learning experience, I am 31 weeks 2 days. I had to follow up at obgyn today from hospital stay last Sunday for contractions. I kept having them but no change in cervix or dilation(Braxton hicks irregular) So sent me home bed rest and pacardia. So stayed home all week Til today. I had to see a different dr since mine wasn't available. Well I go in and we talk, she says I am now dilated to 2cm from Sunday, so they sent me back to hospital for monitoring. Luckily my dr was here and just got out of surgery. He didn't seem concerned at all, he said with different people doing cervix exams means different measurements. That he is sure I haven't changed since Monday when I went home. He said I am NOT in preterm which made me feel amazing (just seeing my dr makes me feel better, he actually saved my life 9 years ago when I was 19 and had ectopic pregnancy and my right tube ruptured. I was 5 minutes away from bleeding to death and he saved me, so I only feel comfortable with him.) he said to just chill out tonight and be monitored, watch tv. Then tomorrow he will check me again. Made me feel better he didn't freak out about it, but at the same time it does makes me nervous that I am dilated at all. It's been an emotional roller coaster, just got our keys to our first new home yesterday, I'm on bed rest. My husband is doing everything. I feel awful! I can see in his eyes how stressed out he is... Can't sleep again in here tonight... Always feel like crying .. Felt good to vent!