Should I leave him?

Me and my SO have been together for two years and I have never been in love with him. When we met I had just ended a previous relationship and was in a very good place, feeling adventurous and meeting a lot of men, no strings attached. I thought it would be the same with him however on the very first night he told me he loved me and kept thanking me for sleeping with him. He had just been through a rough spot - his cheating wife left him and he lost his job almost at the same time, and then I hired him *and* went down on him so he fell for me almost instantaneously.

I'm not a bad person. I didn't want to break his heart so I decided to give him a chance, and we started dating even though I was not in love with him. With him I've been through some very important milestones for the first time - saying I love you, moving in together - and I do love him, I just never managed to fall in love with him. He's a good man but he's clingy and demanding. Sex is dull. And he won't move a muscle to help with the house chores. And he wholeheartedly hates my two cats :(

Lately we've started ttc. I thought, since I can't have actual love from my relationship, at least I could get it from my children. I'm also 33 so it's not like I have plenty of time. But he's reluctant and not too keen on the idea of becoming a father. I just don't know what to do. Should I come clear and break up with him now? Maybe see if I can get pregnant and give him a chance to be a family man? I know he loves me and I still don't want to break his heart.

Sorry for the long text, I just needed to vent.