Help at my wits end

Partner and I have been together three years and have a one year old. He drinks a lot and usually ends up really drunk and sleeps wherever he drinks - that doesn't bother me that much it's usually his pops or his mums who are both only a few streets away. Tonight he went to visit his pop with our boy for a few hours, aanyeay he starter to drink there and we came home and he drank some more but none of his friends were doing much and I wasn't in the mood to drink or whatever either just wanted to chill at home and get some dinner. He gets really rude and cheeky when drinking and I absolutely hate it so I told him rrspeatedly to leave and he kept saying no he wanted to stay with us and would stop drinking.. I was really annoyed at this point and was on the verge of tears because if my partner is drinking I should be able to be around him and in his company so I tried to discuss how this can go forward for the future as there will be another time he drinks around me.. Anyway I pointed out that it'd every time he drinks he turns into another person and doesn't have much respect for me, probably wasn't the best time to talk about it with him though..

He was being a bit sooky acting like an idiot and then said he was over the convo and was going to bed.. He ended up getting his work car keys and saying he was going to get food and asked if I wanted anythjng , I replied with no (I was actually starving but wasn't in the mood anymore) so he took the $90 cash from my purse which we were going to use for dinner anyway and he walked out the door and left in his work car...

He has had 4-5 beers maybe tipsy not completely drunk. So I thought I'd give about 30mins or so to see if he had come back.

I somehow have his Facebook on my phone and my phone started to ring as his mate was calling him on messenger, I answered it. My partner was apparently going to pick him up and as I ended the call the message between them were deleted in an instant..

So I'm so furious that he left to get dinner and didn't come back, then deletee the messages.. Like if you're going to act sly and lie about things at least do it over something that is worth it not something so stupid.. Anyway I then tried to text him a few times and got angry after he wasnt replying to me, I told him in the messages that I had spoken to his mate and I knew he was going to get him etc and he didn't reply so I then called him, the phone rang out then the next time it went to voicemail. So he's switched it off.

What are you're opinions, what should I do? What can I do? Do I have a right to be mad??? I'm kind of over it, I don't have time for this sort of behaviour. I'm not a liar and I don't run off from my family and then ignore their calls. My partner and my family are my priority and my life and I would never ignore them, what if it were an emergency and I needed his help??

I know I had told him earlier to leave that was because I didn't want to deal with drunk stupid behavior around me and our baby.. Does he need to get help with his drinking to better control it and manage it?? Is there any form of counselling or anything we can get as a couple. I know he didn't lie about much but the fact that he is lying to me and deleting things has a huge effect on me and I don't think he quite understands how it effects our relationship.

Not to mentioned the drink driving in his work car??