
I have to get this off my chest and admit that I have anxiety. This has been a bad week. I know it's my fault that I can't admit it to anyone. Last Sunday we had a lot of my SO's family over. His mom, step dad, little brother, sister, her husband, their 3 kids, his other brother and his wife. I drank a whole bottle of wine to be able to deal. The next day his mom, brother and his wife came over again. I told my SO a couple times I didn't want them over late because I was tired and had to work early in the morning and we have a 3 month old who doesn't sleep through the night yet. Well, they did stay late. Even after I kept saying how tired I was and I'm usually in bed asleep by now and it's getting late. So eventually I said "I don't mean to be rude but it's getting late and I'm gonna have to kick y'all out". It was almost 10:00pm and I usually go to bed at 8:30. Well his whole family is mad at me and mad at him for not sticking up for his family - his mom and brother. I've been so upset all week and have barely been able to eat or sleep. I'm shaking right now typing this. I really hate feeling like this and have been crying so much I just want to hide from the world until I can feel better.